Federal Marijuana Legalization Bill Officially Scheduled For House Floor Vote Next Week

Now, House leaders have officially placed the cannabis legislation on a list of bills they plan to take up on the House floor next week.

The last time the MORE Act went to the floor in December 2020, it passed in a 228-164 vote, with just five Republicans joining their Democratic colleagues in advancing the reform.

“For over half a century, marijuana prohibition has stood as the cornerstone of the cruel and inhumane drug war that has robbed millions of people of their freedom and their livelihoods.

Nancy Mace is sponsoring that legislation, and she said in a recent interview that she’s received assurances from Democratic leaders that her States Reform Act will receive a hearing.

The Senate on Thursday unanimously approved a marijuana bill—but not the federal legalization measure that advocates have been eagerly awaiting Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to bring to the floor.

It would also clarify that physicians are allowed to discuss the risks and benefits of marijuana with patients and require the U.S.

attorney general would be given a 60-day deadline to either approve a given application or request supplemental information from the applicant.

The second major section of the bill is about FDA approval of marijuana-derived drugs.

A major difference in the respective bills is that the House-passed measure contained provisions that would allow scientists to obtain cannabis from state-legal dispensaries for research purposes.

The Senate passage of this marijuana research bill comes on the same day that House leadership put a separate measure to federally legalize marijuana and promote social equity in the industry on a list of bills up for a floor vote next week.

Nancy Mace is sponsoring that legislation, and she said in a recent interview that she’s received assurances from Democratic leaders that her States Reform Act will receive a hearing.

“The tragic events of the last week and the escalation of armed robberies over the last several months have demonstrated the urgent need for Congress to act,” LCB said in a press release.

The video above shows two people entering a cannabis retailer in Bellevue earlier this month and allegedly stealing money and products with workers at gunpoint.

“Thus far in 2022, reports show that there have been over 50 robberies of cannabis businesses, many of them armed, in Washington State.

“These robberies are tragic but they’re also preventable,” Pellicciotti, the state treasurer, told KOMO News.

That bill has passed the House in some form six times at this point, but it has yet to advance in the Senate under Republican or Democratic control.

“And even, my understanding is, there’s been murder in in the midst of that.

Perlmutter, for his part, is committed to getting something done before his retirement.

Some Republicans are scratching their heads about how Democrats have so far failed to pass the modest banking reform with majorities in both chambers and control of the White House, too.

The development is a major setback for an effort that collected more than 122,000 signatures two years ago to qualify for the ballot, but was kicked off by the Nebraska Supreme Court.

Ricketts appeared in a commercial financed by a group opposing the effort, SAM Nebraska, which is an affiliate of a national group called Smart Approaches to Marijuana.

Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana, in its email, said it has collected about 15,000 signatures so far in its attempt to qualify for the 2022 general election ballot.

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