War and Peace and Cannabis

But once he became president, not only did he continue the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, but he created new ones in Libya, Syria and Yemen while his supporters cheered him on.

Whether it’s Democrats and Republicans in America or Conservatives and Liberals in Canada – war is the health of the state.

When your views no longer align with the progressive establishment, you’re either branded a Nazi or you’re ignored altogether.

It is not “Whataboutism” to point out the similarities between Putin’s war in Ukraine with the United States’ illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003.

The right-wing justification for US intervention abroad is that, unlike Russia or China, the US is a beacon for freedom.

Now, at this point, you might be asking what this has to do with cannabis.

When the ol’ USSR went to war it was construed as a defensive tactic to fight “Western imperialism.” What’s funny is that the old Soviet Union is modern-day Russia.

He’s credited with ending it, but if the USSR wasn’t already bankrupt and dying, the hot war in Europe may have started in the 1980s instead of the 2020s.

A freelance writer and sometimes ghost-writer, his work has appeared on Zero Hedge, Mises.org, and a few print magazines.

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