Do I Really Need to Stage My Home in this Market? |

With available property inventories at an all-time low in Summit County, property owners might be convinced that selling their home in as-is condition is good enough, especially in a climate that usually generates multiple offers, sometimes even sight-unseen.

“We feel that it is our responsibility, acting as an agent with fiduciary duties, to help our clients not simply sell their homes, but to extract the maximum value for our sellers’ investments whenever possible,” Walley said.

What does staging entail?First and foremost, staging means de-cluttering, as Nelson explains.

If a buyer sees delayed maintenance, they will not want to offer as much as they would on a home that looks well maintained.

There’s also no need to buy extra furniture, and in cases where a home is completely empty, Nelson Walley Real Estate can virtually stage a home so that buyers can see what can fit into a room.

“Once a seller signs a listing contract with us, the first step we take is to have Ashley walk the home and offer up her recommendations,” Walley said “The list she prepares will include repairs needed, what items need to be removed and packed away, and what is needed to prepare the home for pictures.

“Walk up to your front door.

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