Cannabis 2022: Why Brands Really Do Matter – CB – Canadian Business

Early products didn’t deliver a consistent experience that consumers could reliably go back for, and strict regulations around marketing made brand-building all but impossible.

Now, we are at the beginning of a very intentional, strategic multi-step plan to grow the Valens brands into one of the top portfolios within the adult recreation market.

Robson: One reason is that occupying two parts of the value chain allows us to capture bigger margins and show off our innovations to lead market share growth and greater returns for shareholders than if we remained a dedicated co-manufacturer and extraction specialist.

With the launch of our new brands, Valens is going to be extraordinarily disruptive this year and onward when it comes to the brand portfolio, in Canada, the U.S.

First is Versus, a value brand that is going to be a challenger to what I would call “lazy brands” that are comfortable offering value on price.

I am a huge fan of that culture, and we wanted to pay homage to the long legacy left by the original cannabis cultivators and disruptors who created the conditions that led to today’s legal market.

Shea: Our fourth consumer brand is Vacay, focused solely on edibles, which is an area of huge potential.

Robson: We are fortunate to have one of the best global CBD brands with Green Roads, which recently underwent a rebranding and launch of the “Own the Day” campaign, simplifying its position as a portfolio of products aimed at helping people achieve their personal health and wellness objectives.

Shea: Differentiation is critical in cannabis, because of how many brands there are and how restricted we are in telling brand stories due to regulations in Canada.

The companies that are going to succeed are those that build identities that resonate with consumers while fulfilling their needs.

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