According to officials, Arunachal Pradesh is counting on its micro, mini, and small hydropower plants to earn carbon credits.
These are run-of-river hydroelectric plants, which qualify for carbon credits.
The state Hydro Power Development Department will claim Carbon Credits from the Universal Carbon Registry, which are awarded to renewable energy suppliers.
The Dept has power worth 74.88 million units, which is equal to 54,410 Carbon Credits annually and may earn almost Rs 1.15 crore at the current rate, thanks to its 135 state-owned facilities.
Arunachal Pradesh has been catering to its villages spread across the mighty Himalayas with small, micro, and mini-hydropower projects on smaller springs and rivers, even as it aims to sell power from mega hydropower plants on bigger rivers.
Arunachal Pradesh govt recently revealed the phased implementation of 50 micro and mini-hydropower projects as part of the Golden Jubilee Border Village Illumination initiative.
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