Cash reward offered for Lynnwood cannabis robbery suspects

Staff at the Green Lady lock their doors at sundown as a security measure, keeping the open sign lit, and checking customers I.D.s at the door.

All four men, ranging in age from 18 to 25, and around 5-foot 8-inches to 6-feet tall, wore white gloves and began forcing the staff to the ground.

Accompanying the ringleader, the other three men wore masks and all black.

Despite the ringleaders admitted background, neither Conrad nor anyone at the store had access to the safe.

After a few attempts at opening the safe the ringleader must have decided it would activate an alarm and gave up.

ever felt in my entire life; I genuinely thought that I was going to die.

Green Lady is looking at increasing its security, going forward, and offering their staff time off to deal with the emotional repercussions.

Michael Kienan Briscoe has a BA in Journalism from Arizona State University and has worked as a freelancer for a variety of publications and organizations throughout New York City and Seattle.

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