Cannabis And Alcohol Use Linked To Better Orgasms In Young People | IFLScience

People between the ages of 18 and 30 who consume cannabis and alcohol may experience superior sexual function and better orgasms than those who use neither drug, according to a new study in the journal Healthcare.

It’s also important to consider that the jury is still very much out over the impact of both weed and booze on one’s ability to hit a home run in the bedroom.

The study authors, therefore, decided to focus specifically on young adults, given that this group tends to consume the most alcohol and cannabis and also has the most sex.

All participants completed a series of questionnaires in order to provide the researchers with information regarding their alcohol and cannabis consumption patterns as well as various aspects of sexual function.

Previous research has indicated that women who get high before sex are more than twice as likely to report satisfactory orgasms and that regular stoners may have up to 20 percent more sex than those who don’t consume pot at all.

Alcohol, meanwhile, interferes with the body’s ability to produce nitrous oxide, which facilitates the vasodilation of arteries in the penis and enables men to achieve an erection.

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