Wastewater, hospitalizations show Summit County continues downward COVID-19 trend – KPCW

“There are a few silver linings,” said Cox.

Summit County Health Director Phil Bondurant said although testing has been the main way COVID has been measured throughout the pandemic, it’s not the best way to measure trends in the county right now due to increasing demand and a short supply of tests amid the omicron surge.

“There are two components of this response that are not biased by the availability of testing whether there’s an abundance or a lack of testing,” he said.

According to the county’s COVID dashboard, wastewater COVID concentrations have decreased in the Coalville, Silver Creek, and East Canyon areas in the last 10 days.

Despite the encouraging data, Bondurant also added that neither the Governor’s office nor anyone from Capitol Hill had contacted him or his office before the speech, or moving forward with a joint resolution to overturn Summit County’s mask mandate last week.

“Governor Cox mentioned in his State of the State address that experts believe that Summit County has started to decline,” Bondurant said.

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