Grover Beach planning to open cannabis smoking lounges – Cal Coast News

Taking inspiration from Los Angeles and San Francisco, Grover Beach would be the first city in San Luis Obispo County with marijuana lounges where patrons can smoke pot, vape oils and eat edibles infused with THC.

The city would allow indoor and outdoor locations, on the condition that the spaces not be visible from public areas, and that the odors be properly filtered so as not to be noticeable in nearby properties or public spaces.

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Actually, if people switch from alcohol to cannabis we will be relieving Several “existing problems”, including alcoholism and drunk driving.

But, with pot, you can sample a little indica and when you get mellow enough, a nice sativa can lift you back up.

Since the city already spent the projected tax revenue from the dispensaries and the actual revenue fell considerably short they have two options, cut the items funded by the now non existant revenue or figure out how to raise more tax money.

Maybe a new law could insist that one alcohol bar must close for every cannabis lounge that opens.

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