Bondar has been cultivating curiosity on Earth since then, and she’s been on a quest to improve our appreciation for this planet.
The grant program, which launched in May, helps cover the costs of investments in energy-conserving improvements like electric heat pumps, new windows and doors, solar panels and better attic insulation.
The overwhelming majority of survey respondents had heard of the program, but nearly 40 per cent said they weren’t promoting it.
Ottawa is well aware that the current number of federally registered energy advisers in the country – 1,250 – isn’t sufficient, so it’s providing funding to train and mentor upward of 2,000 more.
The shortage is among the challenges that homeowners are facing in navigating the program, which has so far received more than 180,000 applications.
But achieving them depends on making sure there are enough professionals to deal with all of the machinery, and that managers and employees know how it is all integrated into their jobs.
I always enjoyed experimenting with pencil and paint, so combining my love of the ocean and art was a natural combination of my two favourite things.
Becoming a Young Explorer is an incredibly exciting next step for me, and I can’t wait to continue collaborating with amazing young activists, artists and curious youth from around the world.