B2B digital marketplace trends for 2022 – Global Banking & Finance Review

The growth of digital over the past two years is a much talked about consequence of the pandemic and there is no question that there has been a dramatic acceleration in the digital transformation of lives and businesses.

Digital marketplaces were well-established before the pandemic but have gained greater traction during the last two years as businesses sought ways to reach new markets and improve value chains, and because of other drivers of change, such as the corporate push to comply with UN Sustainable Development Goals.

What we see among B2B businesses is a growing desire to work with partner ecosystems that can be creators of value, rather than channels to markets – purely pipelines between A and B.

In the world of digital, there is a risk that intangible, often ethereal, brand value can be diluted amid a multitude of different choices and prices.

In the coming year, we will see greater emphasis put on brand protection, if not elevation, across leading digital marketplaces.

In the B2B space, businesses will look at how the marketplace can add value to the business through the value chain and as needed in the supply chain, for a more holistic brand value enhancement that goes beyond simply the end-product.

It is in situations like this that specialist digital marketplace providers which draw on sophisticated data science technology and auction experience can really make a difference.

Here, digital marketplaces give access to a pool of thousands of vehicles, making it possible for professional buyers to browse and purchase cars that most suit their needs, rather than simply having to take what is available locally.

A trend that will continue in 2022 and beyond is that of businesses and investors stepping in where governments let the market take the lead.

Yet, the market for carbon offsets will only grow in popularity in the wake of COP26 if expectations of transparency and fairness can be met.

The infrastructure allows users to buy from a curated selection of premium carbon credit projects, catering to a broad range of corporates.

So, looking to 2022 as the world hopefully emerges from the disruption of the pandemic, digitalisation combined with a rapidly changing business dynamic will support the trend towards these new marketplace opportunities.

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