Rosatom and EDF to co-operate on green hydrogen development

Russia’s Rosatom and France’e EDF on 26 April signed a strategic cooperation agreement to develop green hydrogen in Russia and Europe.

“The Russian nuclear industry has great technological and scientific potential in developing hydrogen production – both by electrolysis, one of the most environmentally-friendly production methods, and from methane conversion with associated CO2 capture and storage technologies.

In 2019, EDF strengthened its commitment to the energy transition by creating Hynamics, a subsidiary aimed at making EDF a key player in the low-carbon and renewable hydrogen sector in France and internationally.

He added: “We are ready to become one of the key players in the emerging global hydrogen production, transport and consumption market.

Béatrice Buffon, Group Executive Vice-President in charge of EDF’s International Divisionsaid: “EDF’s raison d’être is to build a net zero energy future with electricity and innovative solutions and services, to help save the planet and drive well-being and economic development.

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