Why everyone loves to hate Kenny G, from the musician himself

Love it or hate it you’ve almost certainly heard Kenny G’s soprano saxophone — be it in an elevator or in your car.

Kenny Gorelick, better known as Kenny G, is a musical hero for legions of fans around the world.

“They must think that my music somehow is going to damage the reputation of traditional jazz, which — it shouldn’t have any effect on anything,” he said.

Gorelick: Well, I love the way that she put it when she pitched it to me.

Lane: Well, as Kenny just said, I’ve always found it very interesting but also funny that Kenny’s music inspires such anger in certain people.

Gorelick: They probably don’t know, you know, the intimacy of my work ethic and how much I practice and how I think about playing the saxophone.

I mean, back in the, you know, mid-’80s we didn’t have any of the things we have today — computers, cell phones.

I just think, occasionally, it’s good to remember that when you attack a particular artist or a work of art, you’re sort of attacking the people who love that.

You really cannot watch this movie and not know how much this guy practices.

If people somehow get the message that, you know, what’s really in my heart is this, and it might take me 20 years to, you know, get accomplished at that thing that I know is the right thing for me, but I’m going to put the time in — if they have the opportunity to do that — maybe the message is stick with what you love.

And even if you don’t have, let’s say, the same kind of commercial success that I’ve had — which, again, was not my motivation — you’re going to be feeling great about your life because you’ve done what you wanted to do.

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