Watch Chipotle’s sequel to the 2011 hit ‘Back to the Start’

Chipotle demonstrates as much in a compelling new ad reminding consumers that their food choices can have downstream consequences.

The 2-minute, 20-second animated spot—a sequel to the award-winning 2011 short film “Back to the Start”—features Grammy-winning singer Kacey Musgraves performing a remake of Coldplay’s “Fix You.” The stop-motion animated film follows a farmer who struggles to raise crops and care for his animals amid inclement weather and other hazards of the trade, while a busier neighboring farm is shown getting its soil chemically treated.

“We believe that if consumers learn more about where their food comes from, how it’s grown, and its impact on the environment, they will be empowered to make choices that are better for themselves, their community, and the planet,” Brandt said in emailed comments to Ad Age.

“A Future Begins” shares similar traits with “Back to the Start,” which first aired on TV in 2012 after debuting a year earlier as an online video.

The ad won a Grand Prix at Cannes in 2012 in branded entertainment.

“I’m not going to suggest that creating ‘A Future Begins’ was easy.

Chipotle and the National Young Farmers are advocating for policy changes that would facilitate equitable access to 1 million acres of farmland for young farmers and farmers of color.

“Through ‘A Future Begins’ and our work with the National Young Farmers Coalition, we want consumers to understand that the future of farming is in a dire state.

Jon Springer is a Senior Reporter for Ad Age, covering food and CPG marketing.

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