‘Craig Wright is obviously Satoshi Nakamoto’: Ryan X. Charles describes experiences with …

In a short video posted as the Kleiman v Wright trial approaches its conclusion, Charles warned that “malicious actors” and disinformation campaigns in Bitcoin and the wider world are limiting what people understand about the world around them.

It was instead in 2016, when Gavin Andresen, Ian Grigg and Jon Matonis revealed their convictions that Dr.

In that time, he left a position at Reddit to found Yours.org and other Bitcoin-related projects, meeting Dr.

At that time, he considered himself a Bitcoin expert with plenty of experience as a developer, but his first in-person conversation with Dr.

Wright starting around 2020 are examples of this and should be required viewing for anyone wanting to learn what Bitcoin can really do.

For background: When Satoshi Nakamoto departed the Bitcoin project, he left Gavin Andresen as the steward and sole developer with commit access to the Bitcoin code repository.

For the record, no-one produced any evidence that Andresen had been hacked then or since, and he has never claimed it himself.

This was soon followed by news articles where, as Charles said, headlines would appear to debunk Dr.

This tendency to read headlines only and not the details is a noticeable trend in other news topics as well.

This opened the door to endless pump-and-dumps, criminals and scammers, and “blatant frauds” to populate the Bitcoin/blockchain space and promote their own narratives, often at Dr.

The way you know who people are in your life is you know them personally, Charles said.

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