Read: President Joe Biden’s first address to Congress

But tonight, I can say because of you — the American people — our progress these past 100 days against one of the worst pandemics in history is one of the greatest logistical achievements our country has ever seen.

A grandmother in Virginia told me she immediately took her granddaughter to the eye doctor — something she put off for months because she didn’t have the money.

Critical investments to address the opioid crisis.

Today, up to 10 million homes and more than 400,000 schools and child care centers have pipes with lead in them, including for drinking water.

We will see more technological change in the next 10 years — than we saw in the last 50 years.

When this nation made 12 years of public education universal in the last century, it made us the best-educated and best-prepared nation in the world.

In March we expanded a tax credit for every child in a family.

We’re going to reform corporate taxes so they pay their fair share — and help pay for the public investments their businesses will benefit from.

That’s why — I kept my commitment to rejoin the Paris Climate Agreement on my first day in office.

I wanted the world to see that there is consensus that we are at an inflection point in history.

As we did when we extended the New START Treaty on nuclear arms — and as we’re working to do on the climate crisis.

Even as we do, we will maintain an over-the-horizon capability to suppress future threats to the homeland.

Being able to generate wealth and pass it down through generations.

Talk to most responsible gun owners, most hunters — they’ll tell you there’s no possible justification for having 100 rounds — 100 bullets — in a weapon.

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