Trending: Baby Steps on Eliminating Transport Emissions Still Leave Big Carbon Footprint …

internal combustion engines by 2035 in leading markets, and worldwide by 2040.
heavy-duty vehicles by 2040.

responsible for 24 percent of direct CO2 emissions from fuel combustion. three-quarters of that.

“We know climate action is a priority and every company must push itself to decarbonize further and faster. more than 30 electric vehicle models globally by 2025. Kristen Siemen, GM’s VP and Chief Sustainability Officer.

global Drive Electric Campaign. zero-emission options in all segments.

hybrid aircraft — to address the climate crisis. environmental impact.

Operational Integrity & Safety Officer at Air New Zealand. accelerate the adoption of zero-emission aircraft around the globe.

chains for alternative fuels and to encourage policy support. aviation arm — have been added to the roster. Netflix and Salesforce.

Ship It Zero Campaign Lead at Pacific Environment. climate with deadly air pollution and greenhouse gases.

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