The Ice Rink is Back! Oly on Ice Returns to Downtown Olympia on November 19 for Its Third Season

It’s called Hygge, , and it’s “a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being.” In other words, it’s how people in northern climates mentally survive the long, dark, cold, winter.

Oly on Ice, the pop-up ice skating rink returns for its third season, November 19 – January 17, after a one-year hiatus due to COVID-19.

Ice Rink Events continued to operate throughout the pandemic and is focused on providing not only an enjoyable experience, but also a safe one.

The City has added additional safety measures as well, by using timed-ticket entry as a way to make sure the rink stays at a safe capacity.

Entertainment takes place on select dates with chances to see Part of Your World Princesses, local figure skater Debbi Leung, Media Island & The Women of Color In Leadership Movement, Studio West Nutcracker cast members, and more fun to be announced.

An additional Cheap Skate option was added this year, with Mondays and Tuesdays both offering reduced admission, .

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