Japan Gold Provides Update on Barrick Alliance Activities

The Barrick Alliance regional assessment program also includes the collection of gravity data to assist in understanding structural controls favourable to gold mineralization at both regional and project scales.

Since January 2021, the Barrick Alliance regional exploration programs have focused largely on the gold fertile Hokusatsu Region of the Southern Kyushu Epithermal Gold Province.

Since the last Alliance update on the 10th of December 2020, a total of 944 BLEG and 1,393 rock chip samples have been collected and submitted to ALS Laboratories for geochemical analysis.

From the work completed in 2020 a significant number of geochemical anomalies have been defined for follow up investigation in the Hokusatsu Region, Noto Peninsula, and in Hokkaido, and more are expected to be generated from the 2021 sampling.

Field teams will then mobilise to northern Hokkaido to complete geochemical sampling over the southern portion of the Kanehana Project, and the newly accepted western extension of the Sanru Project.

The Togi Project in west Honshu has now also been gravity-surveyed and gravity surveys are planned to be completed across the 11 Hokkaido projects before the end of the year.

These statements are forward-looking in nature and, as a result, are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that include, but are not limited to, general economic, market and business conditions; competition for qualified staff; the regulatory process and actions; technical issues; new legislation; potential delays or changes in plans; working in a new political jurisdiction; results of exploration; the timing and granting of prospecting rights; the Company’s ability to execute and implement future plans, arrange or conclude a joint-venture or partnership; and the occurrence of unexpected events.

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