NOT REAL NEWS: A look at what didn’t happen this week

The study authors said their work provided “insights into the neural regulation of defensive responses to threat and inform the etiology and treatment of anxiety disorders in humans.” While the study in question found monkeys with the lesions had an increased defensive response to threat, other research has found that brain lesions blunted or had no effect on emotional threat responses in monkeys. Responding to such criticism, NIMH defended its use of the primates, saying, “monkeys are critical for studying these brain circuits because their brains are structurally and functionally similar to human brains.” NIMH added that animals used in its research are protected by laws, regulations and policies that are intended to ensure a commitment to animal welfare.

and monthly payments received by Social Security beneficiaries have been circulating for months on Twitter and other platforms. The State Department defines a refugee under the Immigration and Nationality Act as someone who has experienced persecution or has a well-founded fear of persecution based on race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group, making them eligible for resettlement in U.S.

The false assertion that ivermectin gained approval for use among COVID patients in Japan emerged in August after Haruo Ozaki, the chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association, said at a news conference that the drug may have benefits for COVID patients but needs to be studied further.

The graphic video, which shows a row of children on stretchers with the sounds of wailing in the background, is accompanied by comments that falsely state the children died from the COVID-19 vaccine.

But the procession was filmed thousands of miles away, outside Monterey Park City Hall, Amy Wang, press division director of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles, told The Associated Press.

An internet search did not reveal any credible news articles making this claim, and a search of the New York State Liquor Authority’s website did not turn up any legitimate liquor license records matching True Bethel Baptist Church.

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