Who Left Contentious Fresno Cannabis License Hearing Happy or in Tears? – GV Wire …

“I hope that the administrative team got the message pretty clearly that they should not be bringing forward proposals that don’t meet the values of this council.

Proximity to schools, parks, and community centers matter,” Councilman Miguel Arias said at the close of the hearing.

It’s a win for all of the people who have invested decades now of their time, their energy, and their love for the kids of Pinedale,” O’Brien said.

And I’m just confused, honestly, because we didn’t even anticipate the process today being that they had to affirmatively vote to approve us,” co-owner Lauren Fontein said.

The Artist Tree, located at 1426 N.

Business owners Debi Ruud of Fresno Music Academy & Arts, and Irene Saul of Irene’s Café, also publicly supported The Artist Tree.

Councilwoman Esmeralda Soria had to recuse herself because her fiancé, Terance Frazier, has an active application in the district.

“The council has invested millions of dollars in the Tower District over the last couple of years.

Taub also worked the production and support side of some of TV sports biggest events including the Super Bowl, the NBA Finals and NASCAR to name a few.

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