Declining Community College Enrollment Drives Statewide Higher Education Trend | The Texan

According to a report from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board , two-year schools are serving fewer students now than in 2019.

However, Jacksonville College is the only private junior college included in the report, and the six-point enrollment decline amounts to 33 fewer new students.

The trade school network has over 16,500 new students this year, a 20 percent increase from 2019.

Out of all the health-related categories in the report, pharmacy schools are the only one to see an enrollment decline.

The Upper Rio Grande region underwent the steepest drop in students attending college with a 4.6 percent drop in total enrollment.

White Texans underwent the steepest decline with a 5.5 percent drop, followed by 4.9 percent for Hispanic students and 3.8 percent for black students.

While more women attend college in Texas than men, enrollment rates for women dropped steadily from 2019 to 2021.

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Isaiah Mitchell is a reporter for The Texan, a Texas native, and a huge Allman Brothers fan.

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