Worth $ 54 million as the value of physical Bitcoin, Gold Cass and cryptocurrencies rises …

So this guy was considering buying either this one gold 1,000 BTC coin … or two real gold sticks-each purchase was about the same price at the time, It was about $ 4,000 to $ 5,000.

Great Collections clients threw Cas into their desk drawer at home and literally forgot about it … until a few years later, when they heard that Bitcoin was valued at $ 1,000 per pop and was rising.

He returned to the desk and paid out 1,000 BTC coins … he realized he had literally a million dollars in his hand.

Now it’s reached an amazing level … the guy thought he came out to rub it on our face-and he kept this puppy tight in the vault of an overseas bank I noticed that it was done.

By the way, GC is auctioning another one of these physical BTC coins, but it’s not worth 1,000 Bitcoins … only 25.

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