Movie Musical ‘Annette’ Is A Straightforward Story Yet A Directorial Fever Dream

The crowd gave a full five-minute ovation for stars Adam Driver and Marion Cotillard, also for the band Sparks, which composed the music.

But on this night, his rant includes the confession that he’s gotten engaged to a far classier celebrity who’s played by Marion Cotillard.

MONDELLO: At this point, it may occur to you that Russell and Ron Mael of the band Sparks, who wrote the script and the songs, are after a phantom of the comedy club vibe – innocent soprano adored by creepy misfit.

I wondered for a moment if there was a meta joke there about Marion Cotillard giving birth to a marionette, but I’m pretty sure that’s not intended.

It sounds more down to earth because the score is pop and the stars, while pleasant singers, are not trained vocalists.

The movie “Annette,” theater-besotted, less concerned with logic than with guilt and self-loathing, is a directorial fever dream – the sort that mainstream audiences don’t usually embrace.

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