Flea Market returns

Organizers of the annual Hillsville VFW Post 1115 Flea Market and Gun Show are looking for a good turnout as the market returns this year following relaxation of Governor Ralph Northam’s Executive Order enacted during the pandemic.

Vendors for the market will be allowed to come on the Monday before the market opens to set up tents and canopies.

Any vendors looking to relocate from Bowman’s can go to the town website under “forms” and then to the “flea market spaces available” link.

Officials stressed that the market remains one where private landowners, including the VFW, let people set up on their land with the town acting as a regulatory agency for the proceedings through business licenses and vendor permits.

We got word out that way but we need to get word out another way,” said VFW Post 1115 Commander/ Flea Market Manager Sandra Terry.

Terry said as of last week almost 500 vendors had signed up with the VFW, pretty much in line with other years, and older retired vendors being offset by new ones.

I hope people are wanting to get out and like everyone else I think this one is going to be a good one this year.

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