Green Beret’s Silver Star Sheds Light on US Ground Combat in Somalia

When Somali soldiers, backed by Kenyan forces, retook the town of Baardheere west of Mogadishu in July 2015, they said they met no resistance.

“Under significant enemy fire,” Capt.

Doyle’s name was redacted from the narrative, released under the Freedom of Information Act and provided to Stars and Stripes this week.

They were to advance through the Jungal Valley, a bushy, uninhabited lowland in the southern state of Jubaland.

“The valley offers natural blocking positions and has been used in past battles to thwart movement to and from ,” Col.

After the initial contact, Doyle and his team’s medical sergeant sprinted over 50 yards to the Kenyan commander’s position while taking enemy fire from within about 80 feet, it says.

The award paperwork credits his actions with contributing to 173 enemy killed and 60 more wounded, while saving “countless” partner forces.

He deployed to Afghanistan in 2009 before joining the Special Forces and receiving orders to 10th Group in 2013, the U.S.

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