How to Save on a High-End Cannabis Storage System

With the world is primed for a wave of cannabis industry growth, with legal sales predicted to go over $22 billion next year, you’re going to have to get with the times! Travel is finally picking back up after a pandemic-ridden year and if you’re hitting the road, you don’t want to do it without your favorite green buddy.

Stori wants you to proudly display it in your living space, just like you would a wine cart or tea set, because in many places, it’s legal, folks.

Each pod can store up to seven grams of cannabis while the tubes keep multiple pre-rolls secure while you’re on the go.

You can discover new strains through the app’s recommendations systems and search Stori’s complete list of strains with reviews from Stori users to find new inspiration.

Stori was named a #2 Product of the Day, #2 Product of the Week, and #5 Product of the Month on Product Hunt for good reason.

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