Celebrity chef Wolfgang Puck and director David Gelb talk about their new documentary ‘Wolfgang’

Wolfgang Puck: Well, food is life, to me, it means my whole life.

Puck: Well, even in my early life, even with my difficulties with my stepfather, who was totally crazy, but in the countryside, people don’t get diagnosed of being bipolar, or if they are drunk, they don’t send them to AA or whatever.

David Gelb: Well, we really wanted to tell an origin story of someone who become a hero for the culinary world and for so many people.

Whenever he’s in town, he goes out from the kitchen, he visits, he introduces himself to every single person and makes them all feel so special.

MIH: I, in fact, have been at Spago, and Wolfgang, you did come up to my table and say, hello and chat and speak with us.

I say, people there, I feel the restaurant is my home, my house, just as much as my real home.

Why did I think six months ago to make a special plate for wiener schnitzel? Because I thought, you know what? I want it to really look special because it’s my childhood favorite.

Puck: Well, I think it’s really, if you are passionate about it, if you’re passionate about food, then you want to have the chance maybe to become really good because you spent many hours in the kitchen, and you love the ingredients.

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