To This Doctor, Medical Cannabis Is an ‘Exit Drug’

Joseph Rosado, an Orlando internist and qualified medical marijuana physician, passionately disputes that claim, dismissing it as an orchestrated lie that has been perpetuated since the early 1900s to demonize cannabis.

“For years, we’ve been lied to in believing that cannabis is a gateway drug when in reality it has proven to be an ‘exit drug,’ getting you away from all of these medications that cause greater harm than good,” says Dr.

To get through a day the patient took a buffet of prescription medications, 42 to 58 pills, including addictive painkillers.

Over months time her physical and mental health improved as she used fewer and fewer medications, and was down to three pills a day.

Rosado says he’s seen similar results in hundreds of his medical marijuana patients, young and old from the 7-year-old with epilepsy to the 104-year-old with Parkinson’s.

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