Wild Green Yonder: Paving the path to a greener world

We feel so strongly about using our platform to address larger environmental issues that environmental stewardship and action are part of our core mission as well as our No.

Most folks align the act of gardening with being beneficial for the environment, especially if you plant native plants, go easy on the chemicals and opt for more environmentally friendly solutions to pest and disease issues.

With only an estimated 9% of plastic being recycled, it was obvious that we needed to switch all our vending machine offerings to aluminum cans and/or glass bottles.

In 2018, the botanical garden added its first solar array featuring 120 solar panels generating 53,651 kilowatt hours of energy to power our propagation greenhouse.

As Rachel Carson wrote in “Silent Spring,” “The human race is challenged more than ever before to demonstrate our mastery, not over nature but of ourselves.” Imagine if half or even a third of the global population — that’s 7.8 billion people — saw themselves as part of nature and not just in charge of nature.

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