Your daily horoscope: June 24

Your calm exterior could show a few cracks this year as the cares of the world make more of an impression on you than you would have liked.

If you find that someone has been feeding you false information, either in your personal life or at work, don’t get angry about it.

By all means defend your point of view today but recognize too that there may be no “right: or “wrong” answers.

In fact, today’s full moon warns if you try to change the way you do things you could lose a great deal of your power and purpose.

A little bit of secrecy will go a long way over the next 24 hours and could even save you a great deal of money.

A full moon in your sign will make you a bit emotional today – and that’s a good thing.

If it has not already occurred to you that running here, there and everywhere is getting you nowhere then it will do over the next 24 hours.

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