‘Cars are an addiction’: How Lisbon is turning green for good

It was a musing on man’s existential flimsiness, the fact that we can’t control the world the way we think we can.

The Estufa Fria, a fascinating confection of plants, lakes and odd architecture, has been caring for the world and its plants for hundreds of years.

Most of the ‘green’ talk you hear in June 2021 in Lisbon is about the fact that Portugal keeps being the fall guy for Britain’s Covid woes, as it is yet again demoted from the UK’s ‘green safe travel list’.

Ironically, the biggest poster about the Green Capital status last year belongs to a mid range French car company and flies next to a highway in Belem where traffic roars past.

There aren’t enough bikes but perhaps the hills are too much – they would certainly give you thighs of steel if you lived here.

An interactive journey into the art works of Klimt and Money at the Palace of Water shows how important this precious resource is to the city.

Over a plate of stuffed mushrooms and zucchini, vegan chef Lotte, from Antwerp, tells me about her quest to educate people on the importance of food.

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