Evil Season-Premiere Recap: The New Parishioner

Evil is on again! And it wastes absolutely zero time getting us right back into the circumstances that left our jaws on our respective floors when season one ended in January 2020.

In case you need a refresher : Serial killer and Leland Townsend’s henchman Orson LeRoux had been cleared of all charges and released back into the world where he promptly began to threaten Kristen Bouchard and her four daughters in increasingly creepy ways.

The episode shows us that whole crucifix-in-hand sequence again and then goes further: We watch as Kristen efficiently cleans all the blood off of her ice ax and hangs it back up in the closet.

With a smirk on her face and a confirmation about doctor-patient confidentiality, Kristen tells Boggs that she killed Orson.

There’s much more going on in “N Is for Night Terrors” than dealing with the idea that Kristen Bouchard may or may not have the devil inside her.

This parishioner, it turns out, sold his soul to the devil when he was a teenager — that’s a diabolical subjugation, if you remember your season one possession lesson — and he’d like one exorcism, please.

It doesn’t matter that we don’t for one second believe anything Leland is telling them about trading his soul for the devil to kill a bully of a bus driver, or that he has an eight tattooed on his ear to count down how many months he has to get this team to help him expel the devil from his soul.

Two major things happen during this examination: First, they find a copy of the sigil map hidden behind a baseboard with Leland’s notes all over it in various languages — not only is he working with the same info they are, but Kristen now knows for sure that Sheryl was feeding Leland info.

Here Leland reveals what he is truly after: There are two months before David is ordained and Leland wants Kristen, who Leland can tell has let darkness in rather easily, to tempt David away from the priesthood.

That night, Ben opens up Leland’s spy cam to see what he’s up to and finds Leland sitting right in front of his computer screen.

• Ben has other scary things invading his home! Forget George, who spent season one haunting Kristen’s dreams, and say hello to Ben’s night terror demon — I hope her name is Suzanne or something — who is super into nipple play.

But that’s exactly what happens as Lexis’s bloody teeth saga continues: The kid is basically hemorrhaging blood from her mouth as her insanely sharp incisors start coming in.

• David is still trying to force God to talk to him, this time exhaustion and pain do the trick .

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