Letters to the editor: Much to say about the Greens, the Grits and anti-Semitism

They were from New York City and fled to what is now New Brunswick in 1783 after the American Revolution because of loyalty to the Crown.

Why should the Jewish community in this country be subjected to this type of unacceptable conduct? We have been loyal to this country and deserve to be treated properly and with respect.

While they might welcome another warm body to swell their ranks, what they do not want or need is a loose cannon in their midst, who might drive away voters and those all-important donors.

While I can sympathize with letter writer Wayne Sokolsky’s sentiments regarding Jenica Atwin, it should be pointed out that many will vote for a person regardless of their party, particularly if they know them personally.

Since the attack, many people have raised strong calls to end hatred against Muslims. While I know that we have a lot of work to do, this tragedy also reminded me that the overwhelming majority of Canadians deeply care about the rights of Muslims to live equitably and freely.

Every morning I get my National Post at the door, however imagine my shock and dismay when I saw our narcissistic PM trying to look intellectual, dopey socks and all.

His pre-election accomplishments were exactly what? His post-election accomplishments have been exactly what? His mishandling of timely vaccine acquisition was unforgivable.

Unless Canadians can figure out how to get things done without assistance from friendly governments, they soon will have to turn to China or Russia for co-operation.

Seeing what a distinct society could get up to was a big reason for rejection of the Meech Lake Accord in the Rest of Canada.

The current prime minister is preparing to write nation status for Quebec into the constitution at a time when one of its laws, Bill 21, denies employment to school teachers and other public sector employees who don religious apparel in daily life.

It is time to return taxing and legislative powers to the provinces and restrict Ottawa to the international areas of responsibility that was the scope of power originally assigned by the Fathers of Confederation.

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