Matt Damon vows to return to Ireland after pandemic

“So we made a bargain with the kids that when this all ends we’re going back and we’re gonna do our trip .

Like the day before the lockdown, I went over and had one pint so and then it was closed literally the rest of the six months that I was there.

“I was so surprised by all of it.

It was just someone who I grabbed a picture with, and I was holding the bag .

I was just going where everybody was going and they went to this place and she was bartending there.

she subsequently told me ‘that was just the light in the room, you dummy’ .

And so I went in behind the bar and the very first thing she ever said to me was ‘you can’t be here’ .

she had a pretty low opinion of celebrities, because she said, most of them came in and were arrogant, and none of them tipped and they were crappy customers .

So, they would start shelling out, taking back the $5 bill and putting out $100 bills and so I made the whole bar staff a lot of money that night, which was good, because she kept talking to me.

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