‘Star Trek: Picard’ Season 2 Teaser: Get Your First Look at the Return of John de Lancie’s Q

Jean-Luc Picard got a new lease on life — and, by the end of the initial run of episodes, literally a new body — in the polarizing  first season of “Star Trek: Picard.” Where does he go next? Well, the first teaser with footage from Season 2 just dropped, and it seems that once again Patrick Stewart’s beloved space sage isn’t seeking adventure so much as adventure finding him.

And it’s a surprisingly subdued appearance: you’d think this veritable trickster god would find his love of Napoleonic couture to be perfectly at home in the French countryside.

In that first “Next Gen” episode he put humanity on trial — are we as enlightened as we say we are? Are we really ready to be traveling the cosmos? Well, in the “Next Gen” series finale he told Picard that the trial goes on.

And Jeri Ryan’s Seven of Nine is seen looking into a mirror to discover that her Borg implants are gone! Does that mean history’s been rewritten so that she was never assimilated at all? The strange thing is that it seems like she still remembers having been a Borg.

Alternate history shenanigans may also explain a shot of Picard in uniform addressing some kind of Federation summit: note that, as he stands at the podium, he’s flanked by a series of flags that include the Klingon, Vulcan, Bajoran, and Ferengi sigils.

Frankly, it’s unclear if New York City is even around during the events of the “Trek” shows as it may not have survived World War III in the mid-21st century.

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