Soundgarden Regain Control of Social Media Accounts, Will Ban Trolls + Conspiracy Theorists

The surviving members of Soundgarden have temporarily regained access to their website and social media accounts.

In a claim filed by Kim Thayil, Matt Cameron and Ben Shepherd earlier this year, the musicians stated that Chris Cornell’s widow, Vicky Cornell, locked them out of Soundgarden’s social media accounts, website, YouTube channel and more.

We are super stoked to have our socials return to discussions and posts about being in a f***ing great ROCK BAND!! Remember the guitars, drums, vocals and volume?!!! No more comments about wives, children, exes, significant others, siblings, parents, great aunts, 2nd cousins… etc.

“It’s the most important thing to me, seeing how much people love him, miss him, respect him, and how much we want more of his music out there.

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