The UBJ and Casey Weekly Are Emerging As A Popular Face Of Fact-Based Journalism Globally

American author Mark Twain had therefore rightly said, “A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.” Many online portals today often deliver fake news and cause a ruckus among the masses.

In a digital era, when people are surrounded by clouds of fake and agenda-driven news, The UBJ and Casey Weekly are providing a ray of hope with their transparent and fact-based news.

They began as local news portals initially, however, as the number of viewers increased, the two morphed into global news websites in a short time.

The main objective of setting up the two portals – to deliver facts and nothing else – became widely appreciated by the people.

The news portals have managed to hit the sweet spot of one special group of readers which is the Corporates.

Business Standard has always strived hard to provide up-to-date information and commentary on developments that are of interest to you and have wider political and economic implications for the country and the world.

With the rise in the number of online news portals and a race to be on top of everyone, fake news finds a way to get inside the minds of people.

The UBJ and Casey Weekly are online news and media portals that have gained significant popularity among the masses.

Since they were set up, the two portals have garnered thousands of viewers and have demonstrated what is meant by top-notch journalism.

The reason probably was the fact that too much fake news had caused them to be in a state of distress and disbelief.

The UBJ and Casey Weekly regularly provide business and information technology-related news due to which such readers feel connected with them.

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