Ethereum flips Visa, Palantir goes all in on Bitcoin, and EOS comes to the party

After a brief dip yesterday, Ethereum has come roaring back to another new all-time high of more than $4,300 this morning.

It’s up three per cent over the last 24 hours to $57,000, remaining in that corridor between $50k-$60k where it’s spent much of the past three months.

None of this is to say that things are quiet with Bitcoin at the moment, with institutions and the retail market alike continuing to pile in.

The big gainer yesterday was eos , which is up 44 per cent at time of writing – an 83 per cent gain over the last seven days.

The total spot trading volume reported by all exchanges over the last 24 hours was $62,341,270,503, down from $74,229,970,352 yesterday.

The daily RSI is currently 49.83, up from 46.17 yesterday.

“Well, you probably don’t remember this joke, but five or six years ago, I said that that crypto was a solution in search of a problem.

It’s definitely tempting to get swept up in the excitement, but please heed these words of caution: Do your own research, only invest what you can afford, and make good decisions.

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