Those Who Wish Me Dead review: A fire-fighting Angelina Jolie can’t ignite this silly thriller

Once upon a time, before she ascended to a place where only gods and global ambassadors live, Angelina Jolie made a lot of movies.

If anything has defined her choices, it’s her fondness for a certain kind of cinematic pulp — flagrantly larger-than-life narratives custom-fit for an actress who, whatever the reach of her Academy Award-winning talents, would never be cast as the girl next door.

In fact there’s a distinct whiff of the last millennium in Dead, so familiar are the basic beats of its narrative .

One of those targets is a forensic accountant , won’t last long unless they run.

Here he’s very fond of expository banter and drone shots arcing over mountaintops, coming most alive in the tautly choreographed scenes where inevitably, people die.

For a star who so rarely chooses to be on screen these days though, it feels like another kind of mortal sin, at least in Hollywood: forgettable.

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