Westhaven Hits High-Grade Gold at Multiple Zones at Shovelnose: 15.97 Metres of 9.15 g/t Gold …

It has been traced along a northwest strike for 350 metres, consisting of 2 to 10% cm-scale quartz veinlets over widths of up to 90m, locally with quartz breccia veins of up to 1m wide.

This hole intersected Vein Zone 1 consisting of the following andesite hosted sequence: a section of brecciated banded quartz-adularia-ginguro veining at 220.30-228.10m followed by banded quartz-adularia +/- ginguro veinlets to 233.00m in rhyolite tuff.

Hole SNR21-02 is on section 1025 and is an undercut to SNR21-01.

Core samples were prepared using the PREP-31 package in ALS’s Kamloops facility each core sample is crushed to better than 70 % passing a 2 mm .

The Shovelnose property is situated off a major highway, near power, rail, large producing mines, and within commuting distance from the city of Merritt, which translates into low-cost exploration.

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