46 Million Americans Now Own Bitcoin, as Crypto Goes Mainstream

About half the respondents said they want to receive some or all of their insurance benefits in Bitcoin, NYDIG’s survey found.

It’s unclear how, or if, this might affect the investment decision of major insurance carriers.

The survey asked how respondents they would feel if their insurance carrier invested less than 2% of its cash in Bitcoin.

Data were weighted for age, race, sex, education, and geographic location using the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey to track the demographic composition of the United States.

Perhaps mass enthusiasm for Bitcoin simply a variation on the theme of celebrity endorsements.

You cannot go hire people who know how to make the mRNA.

India and South Africa urge the World Trade Organization to suspend patent protection for COVID-19 vaccine because they believe it’s necessary to protect their populations.

Pfizer and BioNTech said they plan to produce three billion doses this year, up from last year’s estimate of 1.3 billion.

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