FenixOro Gold: Significant New Soil Anomaly Identified in Southeastern Block at Abriaqui …

The results are extremely promising and as a result, this previously undrilled block will receive more attention in the Phase 2 drilling program that is currently being mobilized.

“This is an exciting development for the Company and highlights yet another positive surprise as we continue to gain a clearer understanding of this undrilled target area at Abriaqui,” stated FenixOro CEO John Carlesso.

The best example was in the area of hole P003 where 24 veins >1 g/t gold were intersected in the area of a large soil anomaly where only eight veins had previously been mapped on surface .

The veins have been traced vertically for a minimum 1200 meters from the highest topographic elevation on the property at 2770 meters to the deepest drill intercept at the 1540m elevation with the high grade gold potential still open below that depth.

The most obvious anomaly is a 600m continuous east-west trend, open to the east, of >1 g/t gold in soil which appears to correspond to a mapped sequence of E-W and NW-trending veins.

The great advantage is that it is the topographically highest part of the property package with all known mineralization being exposed above the 2300 meter elevation.

They target the two principal soil anomalies and many of the known vein systems. The drill has a capacity of 1000+ meters and will provide a good view of the upper 500-700 meters of the geological system with a series of holes angled at -45 degrees.

Stuart Moller, Vice President Exploration and Director of the Company and a Qualified Person for the purposes of NI 43-101 , has prepared or supervised the preparation of the technical information contained in this press release.

Following strict chain of custody protocols, the samples are driven to the ISO 17025:2017 certified ALS Laboratory sample preparation facility in Medellin and ALS ships the prepared pulps to their assay laboratory in Lima, Peru.

Although FenixOro has no reason to believe otherwise, there can be no assurance that the Phase 2 drill program and potential future resource definition drilling will be completed as proposed as uncertainties exist related to future project financing, future environmental permitting, and potential Covid 19 related restrictions.

FenixOro’s flagship property, the Abriaqui project, is located 15 km west of Continental Gold’s Buritica project in Antioquia State at the northern end of the Mid-Cauca gold belt, a geological trend which has seen multiple large gold discoveries in the past 10 years including Buritica and Anglo Gold’s Nuevo Chaquiro and La Colosa.

At the time of its latest report, the Buritica Mine contains measured plus indicated resources of 5.32 million ounces of gold .

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