Cannabis Payment and Delivery Presents a Unique Challenge and Opportunity

Along with differences in policies and regulations in each state, there are numerous guidelines and hurdles to jump through in the operational chain for cannabis companies.

As 2020 drew to a close, a significant trend of the year was consumer delivery services, with yearly revenue of online food delivery services going up 27% in 2020 and reaching $136.4 billion.

Delivery services for more regulated products and industries like alcohol, tobacco and cannabis have made their way into the market, but these products require robust identification and authorization systems. While big players like Uber  have said they are looking into cannabis delivery, the regulatory environment is still quite new compared to other regulated consumer products and could be subject to change.

Adding to the proverbial pot of the pot industry’s complexity is ensuring the use of convenient, secure and verifiable payment and processing systems. Consumers like to quickly make transactions through a variety of means including credit cards and digital payments.

All of this adds up to a lot, but old and new companies are taking notice and moving to tackle these issues for the industry.

Alan Brochstein’s 420 Investor is the go-to community for investors to learn, explore, and profit from the marijuana companies.

are not responsible for each other’s services and products.

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