Mobilisation for Tempus’ 2021 Gold Exploration Drilling

PERTH, AUSTRALIA / ACCESSWIRE / May 10, 2021 / Tempus Resources Ltd.

In support of the Program, road clearing and preparation of drilling pads has commenced, and a base line environmental sampling and cultural survey is being coordinated.

The data collection survey flights are planned for early June and will be flown on a 200m line spacing with 100m spacing for infill areas for a total estimated 735 line kilometres.

Approximately 50% of the planned workforce for the 2021 Elizabeth Project exploration program comprise of members of the Xwisten community, this includes key members of the Environmental and Cultural Heritage monitoring teams for the project.

The high-grade quartz veins encountered in the 2020 drilling at Elizabeth show close geological similarities to the Bralorne mesothermal vein system which has been mined to a depth of approximately 2,000 metres and suggests there is strong potential to extend the mineralisation down plunge from the current deepest intersections that are approximately only 200 metres below surface.

Mr. Piepgrass has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined by the 2012 Edition of the Australasian Code for reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves, and as a Qualified Person for the purposes of NI43-101.

The second key group of projects for Tempus are the Rio Zarza and Valle del Tigre projects located in south east Ecuador.

The forward-looking information and forward-‎looking statements contained herein ‎may include, but are not limited to, the ability of Tempus to successfully achieve business ‎objectives, ‎and expectations ‎for other economic, ‎business, and/or competitive factors.‎ Forward-looking statements and information are subject to various known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the ability of Tempus to control or predict, that may cause Tempus’ actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied thereby, and are developed based on assumptions about such risks, uncertainties and other factors set out herein and the other risks and uncertainties disclosed under the heading “Risk and Uncertainties” in the Company’s Management’s Discussion & Analysis for the quarter and six months ended December 31, 2020 dated February 16, 2021 filed on SEDAR.

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