Jackson mayor pushes for city to adopt Bitcoin to ‘usher in a new industrial revolution’

“It’s a big city, makes sense,” Conger said of Miami.

“I think we get into a mindset of ‘if we need more revenue, how do we create more revenue?’ Well, the obvious answer is to go increase property taxes, or enact a fee.

Mining, and therefore creating, bitcoins also adds to the security of the cryptocurrency network.

Basically, Bitcoin mining creates higher value for all bitcoin by lowering the quantity available worldwide, while adding to the miner’s own wallet.

“Right now, we’re having the conversation of ‘do we pave this street, or do we buy a fire truck? Do we buy a police car, or do we fix this HVAC unit?’ Whereas in 10 to 15 years whoever’s here in city government won’t have to have this conversation.

“I’m only a few months into the rabbit hole,” he said, pointing to a stack of books stacked on his desk.

You know, anything different than what we’re used to is scary.

“ need to get the taskforce together, talk about the real-world opportunities, costs and what the barriers are to do that,” he said.

The question is just ‘how do we make Jackson better?’ And how do we attract those 21st century industries—those tech companies—and utilize that amazing infrastructure that we already have to attract them here.

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