Green Party Politics Shifting

However, the last time I looked, the German Greens were calling for a rewrite of the UN Charter to take away Russia and China’s power to veto wars proposed by the US and its European allies on the UN Security Council.

They have completely adopted the faux human rights rejection of Russia and China, and if this particular Green candidate should actually become the next German Chancellor, she’s likely to be much worse than Angela Merkel or Armin Laschet, the Christian Democratic Union candidate.

Normally Russia and Germany are a natural fit for economic relations because Russia has a lot of resources and Germany has a lot of technology.

But the United States is absolutely determined to block this because they say it will give Russia influence over Germany, which is quite a joke, considering the massive influence that the United States wields with its trade and its NATO influence on every possible level, including levels you don’t even see.

This young woman now leading the German Greens, who has seen an astonishingly rapid rise to the top of the German Green Party, is precisely one of these young leaders whom the US foreign policy establishment has more or less trained for the job.

And part of it is because they made Trump out to be such a monster and now Biden is back! Oh, wonderful! The European press can’t stop applauding.

I have spent the last 50 years here, hoping that Europe would stand up against American imperialism.

And part of this is not just to sell Europe more gas and whatever, but also to destabilize Russia, make Russia collapse so that the United States can run Russia the way it did with Yeltsin.

They have never forgiven Putin for reviving a bit of Russian independence and it’s that Russian independence that they really can’t stand.

I think people don’t realize the extent of which Germany in particular has quite literally been a militarily occupied country since 1945.

France managed to get NATO out of the country back in the 1960s, so France is a little less militarily occupied, but the United States treats all of Western Europe like occupied countries.

So the left easily goes along with US hegemony because it’s against the right—which might become Hitler—especially when the Democrats are in power there.

DJ: Well, the other Green Parties aren’t as significant as the German Green Party.

And in particular, what happened to the Greens because I worked for the Greens in the European Parliament for four, five, six, seven years.

And the key moment was the 1999 bombing, the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, when a German foreign minister from the Greens took both Germany and his party into that war.

We must go bomb some country to prevent genocide, they tell us, except in the one case of where there really was a huge slaughter, which was in Rwanda.

But it’s very easy to go in when there isn’t any genocide and say you went in to prevent this genocide, which was never going to happen, as in Kosovo and in Libya.

In order to keep control of Western Europe after the Soviet Union collapsed, the United States had to preserve NATO, which is the way the United States controls Europe.

And if I may be a bit cynical, one reason for that is that there is no possibility of coalition government in the United States system.

In the United States, no Green has ever been tempted to become a foreign minister because the Greens aren’t a peace party so threatening to the system that they can sell out.

AG: Well, it’s interesting to see the Washington Post , the  New York Times , and Politico  praising the German Greens after portraying the U S Greens as the devil for so long—the devil who gave us Bush and Trump.

DJ: Of course, that proves the point that the American Greens are still faithful to their principles and critical of US wars.

And she has been rapidly shoved to the top of the party, becoming a candidate for Chancellor simply on the basis of that.

Ann Garrison: I have spent the last 50 years here, hoping that Europe would stand up against American imperialism.

Healthcare companies in the U.S.

David A.

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