Letters to the Editor: Border plan a slap in the face; Hemp, cannabis, they smell the same

Biden invited them to come to America, now we are overrun with illegals from all over the world, as well as the drug cartel infiltrating America.

They have prevented the press from taking pictures, and violated our freedom to bear arms and all of our Constitutional rights.

Discontinuing the building of the wall will allow the cartel a free hand to bring in more drugs, human trafficking and transporting illegal children to our cities, all at a time when Biden is aware the virus is not under control.

ask the residents of Tepusquet Canyon, ask the residents of the Santa Ynez Valley, ask the residents of Carpinteria, ask the public schools in Carpinteria, where they have to air out the classrooms before students are allowed in.

If you’ve ever smelled a skunk after it’s sprayed, then you would know what cannabis smells and tastes like, only the smell never goes away.

His plan would require big UC tuition increases, which would limit access to just the wealthiest students and those students who would qualify for scholarships.

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