Dr. Simone Gold, Capitol Defendant, Goes on Tour

“Doctors, nurses, business owners and patients across the country have been intimidated by politicians and public health bureaucrats for wanting alternatives to dangerous lockdowns, unproven Big Pharma vaccines, and restrictions on freedom that are not based on science,” Gold said in a press release.

The founder of America’s Frontline Doctors, Gold is best known for organizing a summit last summer to promote President Donald Trump’s favorite bogus COVID cure, the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, and to oppose other public health measures designed to combat the pandemic.

And one was really out there: Stella Immanuel, a Houston doctor who believes that some gynecological problems are caused by having sex with demons.

retweeted a video of the event and it went viral, receiving more than 16 million views in a matter of hours before Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter took it down for spreading misinformation.

Despite her arrest, she has continued to be an outspoken critic of lockdowns, mask mandates and the COVID vaccine, which she likes to call an “experimental biological agent” that she claims is being tested on Black and Brown people and can cause infertility, among other alleged and baseless horrors.

Her group, AFDS, is sponsoring the RV tour, which so far lists only one other confirmed speaker: Ali Shultz, the AFDS legal director.

After the November presidential election, Amy Kremer’s “March for Trump” bus tour helped draw people to DC for the January 6 rally she organized, where Trump encouraged the crowd to march to the Capitol.

About two weeks after Gold joined the rioters in the Capitol Rotunda, picked up a bullhorn, and gave a speech about “freedom,” she was arrested and released on bail.

Framing herself as a victim of government oppression, she alleged that not only had “20 FBI agents” knocked down her door and thrown her in jail without letting her call a lawyer, the government had put her on the “no-fly list,” like any other alleged domestic terrorist.

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