I quit my stressful management-consultancy job and set up a medical-cannabis company. It’s now …

I started as an analyst and was doing well, so I became a consultant, and then a manager.

We needed to do interviews the entire day, summarize them at the end of the day, and then prepare the next day’s interviews.

I remember having them when I was in primary school, and my mom would sit with me with a cold cloth on the head.

I went to the doctor in 2012, and he mentioned that he was treating almost 100 patients with medical cannabis.

Getting that cannabis prescription, seeing how people were consuming cannabis, had been a lightbulb moment.

For the older people, there were so many buttons on the vaporizer that you needed to sit with them and explain how to use it.

The shell company was really trying to get us to be the first cannabis company on the London Stock Exchange.

On the day we listed, we didn’t know what would happen.

On the first two days, the company went up by 500%.

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